Vision In The Valley
Finding inspiration, even in the low valleys of your journey and appreciating that the Lord speaks to us wherever we are. You are at the foundation of your next victory, your next peak...and the only place to look is UP!
Vision In The Valley
Rep Your Set- Name Change: Season 4
Is your set worth Reppin'? I know one that is...and it's a whole Lifestyle Movement!
Intentionally and purposely working to live in complete alignment with the will of God. I tried it my way; now I'm trying it His way. Alignment Period! Nothing else will do.
#alignment period
Quan reflects on the nature of forming and identifying with cliques, whether it's through social groups, family names, or even personal preferences like sports teams and tech brands. She shares her personal journey of name changes, ending with her last name change after marriage, that led to the launch of a jewelry line called 'alignment period.' Quan emphasizes her newfound commitment to living in alignment with God and urges listeners to re-evaluate what they represent in their lives.