Vision In The Valley
Finding inspiration, even in the low valleys of your journey and appreciating that the Lord speaks to us wherever we are. You are at the foundation of your next victory, your next peak...and the only place to look is UP!
Vision In The Valley
Season 5 Timing: Cognitive Reframing
Behold the power of positivity!
In the new season of Vision in the Valley, the focus is on God's perfect timing and cognitive reframing. I emphasize the ability to shift mindsets to view moments from different perspectives. Drawing from Pastor Glenn's teachings on reclaiming moments, we explore cognitive restructuring and the practical approaches of the 'three C's' - catch it, check it, and change it. I share a personal journey of positivity as a gift from God and reflects on a powerful sermon by Pastor Hannah about Aeneas. The biblical story illustrates the significance of maintaining a positive outlook and trusting in God's timing, as exhibited by Aeneas, who was healed after eight years of paralysis. The message underlines the importance of self-awareness, recollection, and the impact of one's positivity on others.