Vision In The Valley
Finding inspiration, even in the low valleys of your journey and appreciating that the Lord speaks to us wherever we are. You are at the foundation of your next victory, your next peak...and the only place to look is UP!
Vision In The Valley
Season 5 Timing: GPS...Intentional Positioning
GPS: We need both the Global Positioning System to help direct us; but we also need God's Perfect Strategy!! Be intentional about connecting and discover your intentional positioning!
In this episode of Vision in the Valley, we discuss the unique layout and themes of the fifth season, emphasizing God's perfect timing and how it influences our lives. The episode revisits cognitive reframing from prior episodes, relating it to time management and positive mindset changes. I explore the concept of GPS, both as a physical navigation tool and as 'God's Perfect Strategy,' illustrating how God's timing guides us through life. One of my dreams highlights the importance of direction and velocity in life, and the alignment of our internal 'GPS' to ensure we are moving towards our true purpose.
#LifeStyleMovement, #AlignmentPeriod